Curriculum vitae
Dr. med. Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen Specialist Pharmacology and Toxicology; Clinical Pharmacology Professor em. of Clinical Psychopharmacology Freie Universität Berlin / Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany) Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Theodor Fontane Member and former chairman of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association
Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen , born 1936 in Berlin, obtained his training in medicine at the universities of Göttingen, Munich, Francfort/M., Freiburg, and Berlin (West). 1964 to 1969 he underwent a postgraduate training in pharmacology and toxicology at the Department of Pharmacology, University of Göttingen, and qualified as a lecturer in pharmacology and toxicology with a thesis on the influence of diabetes on the hepatic drug metabolism
1969 to 1971 he was assigned to the Department of Medical Sciences (Ministry of Public Health) in Bangkok (Thailand) by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, as an expert in pharmacology. He built up a pharmacological research lab and trained the Thai staff in methods to investigate the pharmacology of old-style herbal medicine.
In 1971 he entered the Department of Psychiatry, Freie Universität Berlin, for additional training in clinical psychiatry, and in 1974 he was appointed as Chief Scientist of the Lithium Clinic Berlin, and at the same time promoted to Professor of Clinical Psychopharmacology and Chief of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychopharmacology. For 27 years he was editor-in-chief of Pharmacopsychiatry, and he was associate editor of many other journals, such as BipolarDisorders, Journal of PsychiatryandNeuroscience, or Drug Research; etc. 1983 to 1987 he was elected as president of AGNP (Association for Neuropharmacology of the German speaking countries), 1982 to 1988 he served as Councillor of the Executive Board of CINP. In 2001 he retired from his academic duties at the Freie Universität Berlin. 1994-2006 he has been reelected three times as the acting chairman of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association and retired from this position at the end of 2006. 2017 he was appointed as Senior Professor for Clinical Pharmacology at the Medical Faculty Brandenburg Theodor Fontane.
His scientific interests were mainly related to the clinical pharmacology of antidepressants, neuroleptics and particularly lithium salts in humans.
Together with Paul Grof and Mogens Schou he founded the International Group for the study of Lithium treated Patients (ref. to www.
Clinical ressearch was mainly focussed on long-term effects of lithium salts with special regard to its serotonergic action including anti-aggressive and antisuicidal effects; serotonergic mechanisms in patients with affective disorders; genetic studies in depression and in clozapine-induced agranulocytosis. He has been a principal investigator in large national and international studies on the suicide preventive effects of lithium supported by the Federal Ministry of Research and the German Research Council (DFG).
Dr. Müller-Oerlinghausen has been a member of the Steering Committees of national research institutions, e.g. the Association of Clinical Pharmacology Berlin/Brandenburg, and the Research Network on Depression and Suicide, both financed by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology.
For many years he took a special interest in the methods of complementary medicine. Within this context he conducted a clinical trial investigating the effects of Slow-Stroke®-Massage in depressed patients and healthy volunteers. Because of the surprisingly positive effects he has continued clinical and experimental research in this area until today. In 2018 he published together with a body therapist a book on therapeutic touch. (ref. “Massage bei Depressionen”) In 2022 together with international experts he presented a general view on the benefits of theraputic touch in varous medical areas (ref. 698 Touch medicine - a complementary therapeutic approach with special consideration of depresslons treatment.)
He was or still is a member of the Association for Neuropharmacology and Pharmacopsychiatry of the German Speaking Countries (AGNP), the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), Collegium International Neuro- Psychopharmacologicum (C.I.N.P.), the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD), the German Association of Pharmacology and Toxicology, the German Association of Clinical Pharmacology, the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association, the German Association of Bipolar Disorders, and others.
Nearly 700 publications as first author and co-author. fourteen monographies as editor or co-editor.
Honours/Awards :
- Research Award by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (New York 2004) - Ernst-von-Bergmann- Medal by the President of the German Medical Association (2006) - Paracelsus-Medal conferred by the Deutsche Ärztetag (Münster 2007) - Honorary Member of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association (2011) - The German Society for Suicide Prevention honoured Prof. Müller-Oerlinghausen in 2022 with the Hans Rost Award for his lifelong successful research on the suicide preventive effect of lithium.
Conflicts of interest: none to be declared